Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement: All personal information is retained by Windsor Lifeline Outreach and is not sold or distributed, unless disclosure is necessary to comply with laws or relevant legal proceedings.

This information is used by Windsor Lifeline Outreach for internal programming purposes, marketing, statistical information gathering and receipting.

Ten Principles of Windsor Lifeline Outreach’s privacy policy:

  • WLO will be accountable for collecting, using and disclosing your personal information in compliance with PIPEDA. We will only collect information by fair and lawful means.
  • WLO will provide an explanation of the purposes underlying any collection, use or disclosure of your personal information.
  • WLO will obtain your consent prior to the collection, use or disclosure of your information.
  • WLO will only collect the information it needs to conduct its internal programs and operations and for receipting.
  • WLO will only use, disclose or retain personal information needed to conduct business.
  • WLO will take necessary steps to ensure that the personal information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • WLO will safeguard your personal information.
  • WLO will make available its privacy policy.
  • Upon request WLO will facilitate individual access by members to their personal information.
  • While WLO strives to achieve total compliance with the objectives of this privacy policy, an individual may challenge our compliance by bring the challenge in writing to the privacy officers for review.

What kinds of information will we collect:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number(s)
  • Birth Date
  • Anniversary
  • Martial Status
  • Members of your Family
  • Languages
  • Education
  • Credit Card Number
  • Employment Iinformation
  • Hobbies
  • Disabilities
  • Financial information relevant to program qualifications
  • Police Background Checks

How we use this information:

  • Tax Receipting
  • Volunteer Recruitment
  • Mailing List
  • Resource Assessment
  • Identification
  • Purchasing Merchandise
  • Program Qualification
  • Credit Card Donation Processing

The consent on many of our forms is understood by the person filling out the information and handing it to us. All other forms that are filled out by another person must be signed by the person giving the information. With reasonable notice we will be able to withdraw their information out of our files.

Who has access to the information?

All information collected will be used by Windsor Lifeline Outreach staff and volunteers for program and administrative related business.

Keeping information private:

Windsor Lifeline Outreach will not be selling or releasing information to other organizations without the consent of the member. Any information collected will be used only for the purpose intended. All information is kept in secured files or password protected data bases.

Windsor Lifeline Outreach reserves the right to change or amend this policy:

Windsor Lifeline Outreach reserves the right to change, amend, or restate this policy. Windsor Lifeline Outreach will post any substantial changes in this privacy policy at least 30 days prior to implementation of the change. Any information collected under this current policy will remain bound by the terms of this privacy policy. After the changes take effect, all new information collected, if any, will be subjected to the revised privacy policy.